Natural Landscapes 3
More landscapes – both recent photos I’ve taken and ones I’ve dug out from the archive
Continue reading “Natural Landscapes 3”Bird Bites

Bird Bites is my social media channel dedicated to the wonderful world of birds.
There is a youtube channel, facebook page, instagram account and the blog posts here.
I write regular articles in my local newspaper and am interviewed frequently on TV and the radio about bird and conservation related issues. Most of these posts are from the newspaper articles with the occasional extra ones, like this one on Bird Calls of the Toowoomba Region. The youtube channel and facebook page are very active if you’d like to follow them there.
I used to host this all separately on another blog site birdbites.com.au but I have decided to place them all here now. I hope you enjoy!
Pale-headed rosella – Platycercus adscitus

We have three species of rosellas in the local area – Crimson, Pale-headeds, and
very rarely Eastern rosellas. Pale-headed rosellas are by far the most common and
widely spread in our area. They are in my opinion too, the most beautiful of all the
rosellas, owing to their delicate colouration.
Crested pigeons – Ocyphaps lophotes

Crested pigeons are a widely spread and popular bird throughout Australia, and especially in our region. They feed exclusively on the ground and prefer open or lightly timbered country and are found throughout parks, gardens, farmland and wooded grasslands.
Continue reading “Crested pigeons – Ocyphaps lophotes”White-faced heron – Egretta novaehollandiae

White-faced heron’s are one of our most common herons, and I’m always struck by their grace and apparent fragility when I see them.
Continue reading “White-faced heron – Egretta novaehollandiae”Magpie-lark – Grallina cyanoleuca

Magpie-larks, or peewees as they are affectionately known, are one of Australia’s
most successful birds. They are found throughout the mainland, except for the most
arid parts of the interior, as well as Papua New Guinea and Timor. They have been
introduced to Lord Howe Island and are quite well established there.
Satin bowerbird – Ptilonorhynchus violaceus

An adult male Satin bowerbird outside of his bower, with blue decorations
With the male’s beautiful dark blue sheen, violet eyes, bizarre calls and bower
building habits, the Satin bowerbird is one of our most intriguing birds.
White-headed pigeon – Columba leucomela

White-headed pigeons are a large and common pigeon, but not regularly seen by
most people in our area. They are around 40 centimetres long with grey wings and a
white neck and breast, which is slightly greyer in the females than the males.
Galah – Eolophus roseicapilla

The Galah is a well known and widely spread cockatoo that is endemic to Australia. They are found throughout almost all of the mainland, and have been introduced to Tasmania. There are three subspecies, broadly found in the south-eastern, northern and western parts of the country. In our local area we have the south-eastern sub-species albiceps.
Continue reading “Galah – Eolophus roseicapilla”