Malaysian Bike Ride Ep.1 – Early Planning

I was born in Malaysia (way back in the 60’s) and turned 1 the day after we came back to Australia from there, so I don’t have any memories of it and I haven’t been back there since, and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do.

My father was in the Royal Australian Air Force at the time and our family was posted to Malaysia and lived on Penang Island, adjacent to the Butterworth Air Force Base on the Malay Peninsuila.

So all these years later I’m hoping to go back there in 2022 to both have an explore of Malaysia and see the area where I was born.

There’s a lot of obstacles between here and there – the future course of COVID being the first one, so I’m being optimistic about that, but all other things are within my means to prepare for, so I’m starting this blog and video series to chart all that. I’ve really enjoyed other people’s blogs and videos about cycling trips, so hopefully this will be as good!

Episode 1

So here’s some of the resources I’m looking at at the moment:

Google maps

Bicycles net forum

Travelling Two

The Gone Goat

Bike Camp Cook